Some companies allow their employees to use the company (hotel, car rental, etc.) Corporate Rate ID for personal use. Using the Corporate Rate can often result in significant savings. It is worth checking if your company has such a policy in place.
My company allows all employees to use the Corporate Rate ID for any hotel stay or car rental. I have found our Corporate Rate to be the lowest rate about 90% of the time. If the Corporate Rate is higher, it usually will include more benefits than the lower rate – e.g. our Corporate Rate includes insurance on rental cars for no additional cost.
Weekend hotel stays are the one instance where I found Corporate Rates have little benefit. Since most business stays are during the week, weekend hotel rates are often lower than the Corporate Rates.
This is not financial advice. Please consult a professional advisor.
Copyright © 2006 Achievement Catalyst, LLC
February Expenses – $2508.36
23 hours ago
Alas, no perks like these for us graduate students. The only discounts we get for being students are: cheap football tickets and a 10% discount in Chinese restaurant in the next block.
It'll be among the many things you can look forward to receiving after graduating:-)
In the meantime, enjoy school (including football games and Chinese food) because it's time well spent.
I've found some pretty decent student discounts from the Student Advantage Card. I think the website is From rental cars to travel discounts and on-line shopping at major retailers websites. Check it out!
-John D.
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