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Since retiring in 2007, we typically have withdrawn funds monthly from our taxable accounts to pay for living expenses.   Last year, I decid...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Wealth Builder Carnival #3

Welcome to third edition of The Wealth Builder Carnival. The purpose of this carnival is to collect articles from the blogosphere on building, preserving and keeping enough wealth for a comfortable retirement. For reference, I have tried to keep the carnival content tightly focused on wealth building. As a result, this carnival did not include submissions that were off topic, e.g. those about debt, debt management, debt reduction, credit scores, credit card evaluations, or account opening bonuses.

For this carnival, I have organized the posts into seven categories: Earning, Investing, Insuring and Protecting, Living Frugally, Retiring, Saving and Taxes. I have acknowledged bloggers who are in Technorati's Top 100 Finance blogs by showing their 8/23/2010 rank in parentheses. Finally, for some submissions, I have added my perspective and comments relative to the post topic.

And now onto the Carnival:


FMF (#6) presents Three Myths About Earning More Money posted at Free Money Finance, saying, "If you want to be different and really start earning more money, you'll need to be able to identify and overcome three big myths of entrepreneurship."

Pinnacle presents 5 Disciplines of Sustained Business Growth posted at Pinnacle Plans blogs. From my experience, I would also add creating a competitive advantage that cannot be easily copied.


Dividend Growth Investor (#63) presents Six Notable Dividend Increases for the week posted at Dividend Growth Investor saying, "Of particular interest to many dividend investors are companies which are able to raise earnings, which fuels future dividend growth. As a result, investors in those companies have much better chances of generating an income stream which meets or exceeds the rate of inflation."

Dividends4Life presents 16 Confident and Secure Companies Boosting Dividends posted at Dividends Value saying, "Are you confident and secure in your investing process? It appears many people are not. We must follow a process we are 100% confident in. Doubt is the gateway to destructive behavior. For me, dividend growth investing is what I am confident and secure in." With the stock market in a trading range, I believe that dividend paying stocks are a good option for us.

freefrombroke (#1) presents Why Invest In Stocks posted at Free From Broke saying, "Though many are reluctant to invest in stocks these days, stocks can still provide excellent long-term growth for an investor."

Silicon Valley Blogger (#4) presents Own Stocks For The Long Run posted at The Digerati Life saying "Any student of markets should know some indisputable facts about the long-term performance of the stock market. The stock market has outperformed any other asset class out there."

Living Frugally

MoneyNing presents Money Matters, But Money Isn’t Everything posted at Money Ning saying, "Money isn't everything even though it matters a great deal!"

Kara Sebbert presents 10 Signs You’re an Overspender posted at Fashion Merchandising Degrees saying, "Check out these 10 signs of overspending to see if you fit the bill." Great, only one of the ten apply to me; the one about "You obsess about money." ;-)


PT presents Retiring Abroad to Paradise: Possible, But it’s Not Without Risks posted at Prime Time Money, saying, "Learn the risks involved with retiring abroad."

Kristine McKinley presents Getting the Maximum Social Security Benefits posted at Social Security Retirement Income, saying, "Here are some tips to help you get the maximum Social Security benefit you are entitled to. Your retirement benefit is based on your top 35 years of earnings so it’s important to get as many 'high earning' years in as possible. If you’re at the top of your career as far as income goes, working just one year longer in a high paying job could make a big difference in your retirement benefit."


Pinyo (#2) presents Automate Your Savings Accounts posted at Moolanomy, saying, "When you automate your savings accounts, you can force yourself to practice financial discipline — and work toward financial freedom." I agree. Paying ourselves first was an important element of our wealth building plan.

BWL presents 403b Rollover (and Conversion) To A Roth IRA posted at Christian Personal Finance, saying, "This article details all the steps I took to get my 403b rolled over to a Roth IRA..." To me, it makes sense to convert some of our retirement funds to Roth IRAs, especially if the tax rate on the conversion is 15% or less.


Super Saver (#34) presents Net Unrealized Appreciation - Great Tax Benefit for Retirees posted at My Wealth Builder, saying, "This strategy can be used to reduce the tax liability for employer stock in a company retirement plan.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of The Wealth Builder Carnivalusing ourcarnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on ourblog carnival index page.

For more on Ideas You Can Use, check back every Tuesday for a new segment.

This is not financial, tax, retirement, investing or wealth building advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2010 Achievement Catalyst, LLC


Craig said...

Thanks for hosting! Wow, #1, thanks for taking the extra step of going through the Technorati rankings.

Dividend Growth Investor said...

thanks for inlcuding my post. I linked back to you in my article.