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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Wealth Builder Carnival #57

Welcome to the fifty-seventh edition of The Wealth Builder Carnival. The purpose of this carnival is to collect articles from the blogosphere on building, preserving and keeping enough wealth for a comfortable retirement. For reference, I have tried to keep the carnival content tightly focused on wealth building and did not include submissions that were off topic. For reading convenience, the posts are listed with a brief summary or comment by the submitter and organized into seven categories: Earning, Insuring and Protecting, Investing, Living Frugally, Retiring, Saving and Taxes.

And now onto the Carnival:


Shamelle presents FBinfluence Facebook Course – How To Do Facebook Marketing The Right Way posted at Better Blogging Ways, saying, "Facebook is already approaching 1 billion members and is the site where everyone online is spending time. The truth is most successful business depends on people, to be in business you got to have people interested in what you got to offer and this is one of the main reasons why you simply can’t ignore Facebook."


My Journey presents Regardless of Faith Is Sharia or Muslim Based Investing For You? posted at My Journey to Millions, saying, "My skepticism is whether one can actually invest in American companies that truly follow the rules of Shariah."

Kevin presents How I Made $150, Lost $200, and Re-learned a Valuable Lesson posted at Invest It Wisely, saying, "Never buy physical gold or silver as an investment! Absolutely the worst idea ever. Ever. For one thing, you can’t go short. For another, the bullion dealers charge a huge markup."

Kanwal Sarai presents How Can You Sleep At Night With All Your Money In Stocks? posted at Simply Investing Blog, saying, "Someone recently asked me, 'How do you sleep at night, knowing that all your money is in stocks?' I sleep very well, because I ignore the media noise."

Dividends4Life presents 10 High-Yield Stocks With A Low Price To Book posted at Dividend Growth Stocks, saying, "When looking for value-priced stocks, the Price-To-Book (P/B) ratio is one that I like to focus on. P/B is calculated as share price divided by book value per share. Book value is most often calculated as Assets less Liabilities."

Mike Piper presents What are Muni Bonds? And Should I Own Any? posted at The Oblivious Investor, saying, "Municipal bonds offer interest that's free from federal income tax. But are they a good fit for *you*?"

Investor Junkie presents Could Disney Make a Good Addition to Your Income Portfolio? posted at Investor Junkie, saying, "Even though income is important to an income portfolio, it’s worth considering companies that will provide earnings down the road. Disney just might be one of them."

Dan Ekstrand presents How to invest in the stock market posted at What can I do about ___?, saying, "A intro to asset allocation and some simple strategies that
have done well in turbulent markets."

Living Frugally

Jason@LiveRealNow presents Future Me Returns posted at Live Real, Now, saying, "This is a conversation between me and my future self, if my financial path wouldn’t have positively forked 2 years ago."

Mr. Money Smarts presents Appreciate What You Have, And Enjoy It! posted at Smart On Money, saying, "In this Christmas season it can be so easy to forget about what’s important in life and start to get caught up in all the consumerism that is so rampant in today in our culture.So while we move into December and start to focus on our upcoming Christmas gatherings, what can we do to have a happy holiday?"

DJ presents Easy Ways To Save Money On Glasses and Contacts posted at The Family Wallet, saying, "Over the many years that I’ve had to purchase contacts and eye glasses, I’ve tried lots of things. Here are some ideas I have for saving money on them:"

Tim Chen presents Make Your Miles Count: Getting Creative with Travel Rewards Cards posted at NerdWallet Blog - Credit Card Watch, saying, "Sometimes the best way to use your rewards miles isn’t obvious. There are some neat tricks you can use to make your miles a worth a little—or a lot—more."

misst presents Home Improvements That Pay You Back posted at Prairie Eco-Thrifter, saying, "For those of you less green and money conscious folks, I can tell you that being green also saves you money. Eco- friendly methods are proven to be cost efficient. Today I wanted to share with you how you can be green in your home and at the same time make money. Here is how:"

Jonathan from Debt Loans presents 6 Tips for Eliminating Food Waste posted at Money Mum, saying, "Using leftovers and budgeting wisely can save money – and resources. Learn to become cognizant of how much food you really do dispose of, and then consider these tips to improve the efficiency of your kitchen:"

Control your Cash presents 控制现金”人造橙色鸡 posted at Control Your Cash: Making Money Make Sense, saying, "We’re here to argue that eating at a restaurant, in our example one a step below P.F. Chang’s “upscale casual” category, can be financially savvy."

Jonathan from Debt Loans presents How to Eat Healthy on a Budget posted at Frugal Living, saying, "Eating healthy doesn’t have to cost more. Here are some tips for staying healthy on a budget."

Jonathan from Debt Loans presents Four Tips for Saving on Transportation Costs posted at Wallet Watcher, saying, "For people who have places to go but don’t want to spend an arm and a leg to maintain a car, there are several great alternatives to traveling alone in your car:"

Rodney Maley presents Winter Energy Checklist posted at Life-fficient, saying, "This article presents a quick summary of important items in your home to be checked to prepare for the winter months."


Super Saver presents Retired California Teacher Pension - WOW posted at My Wealth Builder, saying, "I read about a teacher/administrator in California who retired at 59 after 36 years and will receive a pension $174,308 a year for the rest of his life. Wow, what a deal."


Lisa presents Emergency Fund: Necessity or Overrated? posted at Thriftability, saying, "Life never completely goes according to plan–the car breaks down, someone loses hours at work, school tuition increases. Creating an emergency fund sees you through these “what ifs” without dramatically impacting your budget. In addition, an emergency fund provides a financial cushion – outside of your normal budget – so that you do not need to use your credit cards and rack up debt in times of crisis."

Bucksome presents Are You Piddling Away Your Money? posted at Buck$ome Boomer's Journey to Retirement, saying, "There are so many habits that can sneak $100 out of our account each month! And ultimately, $3.94 million dollars is wasted."


BIFS presents Essential Tips to Hiring the Right CPA posted at Budgeting In the Fun Stuff, saying, "Don’t be in a rush to hire someone and be sure to start your search way before the tax season begins. Taking the time to hire the right person will benefit your business in the long run."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of The Wealth Builder Carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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For more on Ideas You Can Use, check back every Tuesday for a new segment.

This is not financial, earning, insuring, investing, living, retiring, saving, tax, or wealth building advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2011 Achievement Catalyst, LLC

1 comment:

Betty Kincaid said...

Thanks for including us this week!