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Since retiring in 2007, we typically have withdrawn funds monthly from our taxable accounts to pay for living expenses.   Last year, I decid...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Wealth Builder Carnival #142

Welcome to the one hundred forty-second edition of The Wealth Builder Carnival. The purpose of this carnival is to collect articles from the blogosphere on building, preserving and keeping enough wealth for a comfortable retirement. For reference, I have tried to keep the carnival content tightly focused on wealth building and did not include submissions that were off topic. For reading convenience, the posts are listed with a brief summary or comment by the submitter and organized into seven categories: Earning, Insuring and Protecting, Investing, Living Frugally, Retiring, Saving and Taxes.

And now on to the Carnival.


Bryan Chau presents The Proclamation of Innovation – Redefine Your Industry posted at Success Pen Pal, saying, "earning, mindset, business, innovation, entrepreneurship, strategies, success, rules, metrics, rewards, etc."

Wozza presents Get Rich The Lazy Way posted at You and Your Money, saying, "Anthony Khoury is an avid entrepreneur and marketer. Anthony loves startups more than anything, automating the business, then letting them run without him. Only a few years ago, Anthony Khoury slogged it out working 80-hour weeks in his family's pizza restaurant. Today, he spends his time consulting to other businesses and travelling the world"

Insuring and Protecting

Gary presents Who Needs Life Insurance? Do I Need Life Insurance? posted at MyLifeInsuranceQuotes123.com, saying, "Who needs life insurance? Do you need it? Do single parents or empty-nesters or retirees? This article goes into detail discussing each stage of life, the financial liabilities and considerations you may have, and why you may need to buy life insurance coverage."


David presents Lending Money To Friends posted at Financial Nerd, saying, "I made the colossal mistake of lending money to a friend. Here is how it went down."

Matt Becker presents The Peer-to-Peer Lending Numbers They Don’t Want You to See posted at Mom and Dad Money, saying, "I see a lot of glowing reviews of peer-to-peer lending extolling the high short-term returns earned by the people singing its virtues. These reported returns have always seemed a little fishy to me, so I decided to dig a little deeper. Today, I want to share some of the results I found that the peer-to-peer lending marketers hope you never see."

Aussie Investor presents Share Price Performance History - The October Effect? posted at Cheap Shares, saying, "Is there any truth to the theory that stock prices fall in October? In this article we look at the history of share price performance in October as compared to other months of the year and see what conclusions can be drawn."

Living Frugally

John Schmoll presents Fashionable and Frugal – How to Save Money on Clothes posted at Frugal Rules, saying, "Shopping for clothes, especially for a growing family can be a costly endeavor. However, if you know what you’re doing you can be frugal and still get some great deals for the family and look good at the same time."

moneystepper presents Attitude to money – the three second test posted at Moneystepper, saying, "The right attitude to money is the number one tool in building long term financial wealth. Think you've got it? Take my 3 second test to check!"

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of The Wealth Builder Carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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This is not financial, earning, insuring, investing, living, retiring, saving, tax, or wealth building advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2013 Achievement Catalyst, LLC

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