Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Off Topic - Presidential Election

This year's Presidential election is the toughest one I've ever voted in. My dilemma is that I don't like either of the major party candidates.

I've decided NOT to vote for either of the two major party candidates.  I believe they are both fiscally unsound with their proposed money giveaways and tax cuts.   I've looked at the minor party candidates and I don't agree with the majority of their policies.   So, I've started considering the independent candidates, many of whom are write-candidates.  

My summary after doing a brief review is that many of the independent candidates are too extreme,  fringy, or single issue based.  Fortunately,  I did find a couple moderate write-in Presidential candidates that I did like.  The one I like the best is John Cheng.

According to his Campaign Website, he wants to eliminate deficit spending and reduce the national debt.  That makes sense to a financial blogger like me.   After all, that is what I consider important in personal finances:  spend less that you make and don't go into debt.  I also agree with many of his other policies such as guaranteeing Social Security and Veteran benefits, simplifying the tax code, establishing term limits for Congress and the Supreme court and increasing legal immigration.

At this point, I'm writing in John Cheng for President, even though it is highly unlikely he will be elected.

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This is not financial nor voting advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

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