Tuesday, July 03, 2012

The Wealth Builder Carnival #83

Welcome to the eighty-third edition of The Wealth Builder Carnival. The purpose of this carnival is to collect articles from the blogosphere on building, preserving and keeping enough wealth for a comfortable retirement. For reference, I have tried to keep the carnival content tightly focused on wealth building and did not include submissions that were off topic. For reading convenience, the posts are listed with a brief summary or comment by the submitter and organized into seven categories: Earning, Insuring and Protecting, Investing, Living Frugally, Retiring, Saving and Taxes.

And now on to the Carnival.


Josh presents 10 Creative Ways to Make Money posted at Josh Champagne, saying, "From Youtube Busking to Planning Weddings, here are 10 Creative Ways to Make Money. So, get out there, be creative, and make some money."

Insuring and Protecting

Mac Hildebrand presents Will the Electric Car Trend Affect Insurance Prices? posted at Car Insurance Comparison, saying, "In addition to insuring and protecting, this article also focuses on the long and short term benefits of purchasing an electric car."

Brandon Lewis presents 5 Things You Should Know About Structured Settlements posted at Annuity Structured Settlements, saying, "You can often elect to take insurance payments in the form of a ‘structured settlement’. In this post we tell you five key things that you should know about structured settlements."


Dave presents Make A Plan And Stick To It posted at Dividends For The Long Run, saying, "New investors can very easily get lost in the weeds as they try to navigate all of the options available to them. What they need to remember is that investing is simply a method for getting from point A (where you are now financially) to point B (financial independence). To complete the journey successfully a plan is required."

John presents How Old is Too Old for Hands-On Financial Management? posted at Wallet Blog, saying, "Is it necessarily a good idea to continue managing your finances without professional assistance as you move into retirement? Are there better ways to secure your future finances than a 401(k)? What are we missing?"

Dividends4Life presents 7 Dividend Stocks For A Confident And Secure Future posted at Dividend Growth Stocks, saying, "Are you confident and secure in your investing process? It is my firm belief that most investors will lose money in the stock market over their lifetime. It is not that the market is a bad place to invest your money, but left unchecked the psychology of the market will lead you to do just the opposite of what you should to be doing..."

Living Frugally

Jessica Bosari presents Five Free Family Finance Apps posted at SavingTools.com, saying, "Balancing the family budget and tracking spending can be challenging for many families. It's easy to forget crucial categories, forget to track expenses and over-budget in one area while under-budgeting in another area."

Jon Rhodes presents The Right Time to Quit Smoking posted at HypnoBusters, saying, "This article shows you that now is the right time to quit smoking."

Jenny presents Let’s make ‘stand-by’ a thing of the past – Saving energy at home posted at Money saving tips & advice from Discount Coder, saying, "Far too many gadgets and appliances are made with stand-by the norm. Which means it’s not possible – or very inconvenient – to turn the dratted things completely off. This quick post looks at what uses what, an just how much you can save."

Theresa Torres presents How to Stretch Your Food Budget posted at Awesome Cuisine, saying, "Want to cut back on your monthly food expenses? Let's look at the ways you can give your family healthy meals and save hundreds of dollars at the same time."


Jeff Williamson presents Retirement Planning for Single-Income Families posted at PFCents, saying, "Planning for retirement can be tricky, but when you are a one-income family it becomes even more complex. This article will help single income families prepare for their golden years."


Super Saver presents Longing for Higher Interest Rates posted at My Wealth Builder, saying, "While low interest rates are 'helping' the economy, the same low interest rates have a negative effect on retiree income."


Edward Webber presents 2012 Working Tax Credit Changes posted at TaxFix Blog, saying, "If you are want to claim working tax credits, the rules have changed in 2012. This post will help you understand the changes."

Danielle Dixie presents Do You Qualify For Tax Credits? posted at Tax Credits, saying, "If you work but are on a low income then you may qualify for Working Tax Credits. Our guide looks at the two main types of tax credit and when you qualify for them."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of The Wealth Builder Carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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For more on Ideas You Can Use, check back every Tuesday for a new segment.

This is not financial, earning, insuring, investing, living, retiring, saving, tax, or wealth building advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2012 Achievement Catalyst, LLC

1 comment:

Drew said...

This is a focussed selection of financial articles all in one place, great stuff. 83rd edition? It's going to take a while to go back through the archives!