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This year's Presidential election is the toughest one I've ever voted in. My dilemma is that I don't like either of the major pa...

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Lions, Tiger and Bears...Oh my!

 Last week's stock market results, as well as the decline of many cyclical stocks over the past year, appear to be foretelling a dramatic end to the latest bull market.   In addition, North Korea has allegedly detonated a hydrogen bomb, Saudi Arabia and Iran will likely compete on oil production, and George Soros observed the economic environment seems eerily like 2008.

All that's needed is an end-of-the-world-prophet to proclaim the apocalypse will happen in 2016.

Seriously, I don't doubt the likelihood of another bear market occurring in the near future.  In fact, I think the potential is high for a steep market decline to continue next week.  I've been bracing myself for a significant fall in the market for a couple years now.   So even though a market crash will be painful, it will be a little less so since I've been expecting it.

This week, I will continue to buy small positions in a total market ETF and a few 3%+ dividend paying stocks.   But given the increased negative market sentiment, I will be further lowering the target purchase price points for these ETFs and stocks.

For more on New Beginnings, check back every Sunday for a new segment.

This is not financial advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

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