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Off Topic - Presidential Election

This year's Presidential election is the toughest one I've ever voted in. My dilemma is that I don't like either of the major pa...

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Mildly Optimistic

It's had to be optimistic about the stock market with all the negativity swirling about.   However, that's probably the time to tough it out and stay invested.   

I have mixed feelings.   I believe the market will be significantly higher by year end, no matter what the outcome of the midterms.  If the Democrats win, the market will go up; if the Republicans winn, the market will go up.  But I believe August will be a volatile month, perhaps even being a down month.

It is a bifurcated stock market, with a lot of rotation.  Some stocks are going up, while others are going down, resulting in a slight rise in the indices.

So I will take some profits in advancing stocks (which means they will probably advance further:-)   And I will buy some short term beaten down stocks, e.g. Chinese internet stocks, biotechs.   I expect that the stock market may be a bit of a roller coaster, and be prepared for slow rises and quick drops.

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This is not financial or investment advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

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