Today My Wealth Builder will be making some minor updates. First, My Wealth Builder will be converting from Blogger to New Blogger. I received the first conversion request in mid December, 2006. I received the second notice this weekend. I expect that I will receive a final "must change" notice in another month :-) Having done all the necessary backup and preparation, I will initiate the conversion today. If there are bugs with the conversion, I may miss a few days of publishing. If the issue lasts longer than a week, please check My Blog Builder, another blog I just started. If I cannot publish to My Wealth Builder, I will post updates about the issues in My Blog Builder.
Second, on January 1, 2007, I had switched my RSS feeds to be partial text instead of full text. Based on comments from readers, My Wealth Builder feeds have been changed back to full text.
Update: The conversion to New Blogger went very well. I initiated the conversion at 1:56PM and it was completed by 2:01PM. All the Blogger blogs transferred with no errors or issues. The only glitch I have found is the blogs using the "classic templates" get an error message that the web page may not load correctly. Congratulations to the Google team working on New Blogger conversions.
For more on New Beginnings, check back every Sunday for a new segment.
This is not financial advice. Please consult a professional advisor.
Copyright © 2007 Achievement Catalyst, LLC
January Income – $3443.02
4 weeks ago
Congratulations! :) so is this the new blogger than I am commenting on?
Also, did you realize you have a page rank now :) Congrats on that too.
Keep up the good work.
Golb Guru,
Yes, you commented on New Blogger, although I am still using the Blogger template right now. I will be coverting to the New Blogger template over the next month.
Thanks on the page rank. I assume you mean Alexa. If there is a different page rank, I am not aware of it yet.
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