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Since retiring in 2007, we typically have withdrawn funds monthly from our taxable accounts to pay for living expenses.   Last year, I decid...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Carnival Round Up For The Week

Here are the Carnivals from this past week that I am reading :

The Carnival of Personal Finance #87 is hosted by 2 Million - My Journey To Financial Freedom.My Carnival choice is from Money $mart Life with Why We Should Save As Much Money As We Can since you don't know what the future will bring. I agree, the consequences of over saving are much better than the consequences from under saving.
The Festival of Frugality #61 is hosted by Hustler $$$ Blog.My Festival pick is How to stop nickel and diming yourself into the poorhouse! by Kirby on Finance, which proposes a systematic way to eliminate $2-$3 "splurges." This is another good way to "buy only what one needs."
The Carnival of Family Life is hosted by Colloquium.My Carnival choice is Kids And Money posted at No Credit Needed Blog, which describes the system used to teach their daughter about managing money. This system is similar to many others about which I have read. I will use a version of this when our daughter is old enough.
The Cavalcade of Risk #19 - Valentine's Day Edition is hosted by My Wealth Builder.My Cavalcade pick is Tontines - A Way Out of a Pension Jam at Pension Risk Matters, which reports on a 350 year old risk management tool that can provide guaranteed income for retirees. Tontines appear to address the issue of potentially over saving or under saving for retirement. I like the idea and will study it further for my own retirement use.

I hope you enjoy reading these Carnivals and finding tips you can use. I have moved my Carnival reviews from Tuesday (Ideas You Can Use segment) to Saturdays since several Carnivals that I read publish after Tuesday. In the Saturday review, I will be adding a bit more commentary to the review to fit into the Reflections and Musings theme.

Check back every Saturday for the next Reflections and Musings segment.

This is not financial advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2007 Achievement Catalyst, LLC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually changed the tagline of my blog after writing this post. Now it's, "Live for Today, Invest for Tomorrow".

I think we should enjoy the here and now but not shortchange the investment in our future.