Thursday, February 05, 2009

Education is a Lifetime Endeavor

When I was a child, I couldn't wait to finish school. I thought that once I finished formal schooling, I would know ever thing I needed to know:-) I looked forward to finishing elementary school, junior high school, high school and then college. After graduating from college, I started working and expected to never go back to the classroom.

Little did I realize at the time how wrong I was. I found there were many opportunities to take classroom courses after getting a degree.

  • Work and career. Within the first five years of working, I started taking some graduate courses related to my work. In addition, I took internal courses and external specialty education courses related to my position and job. Although I didn't join a professional society, I could also take course related to my field.

  • Career change. More people are going back to school either to change careers or to get a new job, if the number of jobs in their field is contracting. Before taking early retirement, I had never seriously considered changing careers. However, now I've taken several courses and am considering several more to explore other careers and jobs in which I might be interested.

  • Personal interest and development. Since retiring early, I've have also been considering taking courses in areas that I have a personal interest. One of the local universities has an adult education program directed at adults, including retirees and seniors, which cover a range of topics from making a stained glass window to hypnosis.
  • For me, education originally started as learning the basics, becoming competent and developing mastery. However, now education has become an opportunity to grow and develop new interests. Rather than looking forward to its completion, I now look forward to the new beginnings.

    For more on Crossing Generations, check back every Thursday for a new segment.

    This is not financial or education advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

    Copyright © 2009 Achievement Catalyst, LLC

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