It's been over four years since I started My Wealth Builder. As I think about topics to write , I often remember, "I've written about that before," and decide to find a new topic. However, since many principles of personal finance are timeless, I want to include them in a recent post on My Wealth Builder. Therefore, I have started a series called "Timeless Articles from the Archives" and am highlighting posts from the same week in 2007-2010.
Survivor Income Insurance- Social Security Provides Coverage - We became eligible for a new form of Social Security protection, survivor income insurance, when we adopted our daughter.
Maintaining A Margin of Safety - For me, a margin a safety is "additional protection" that one creates to insure against over estimating the value or against an unexpected issue.
Personal Finance Simplification - Bank Account Consolidation - We now only have one bank..
Reviewing Our Risk - The following three risks help me remember to consider potential losses.
Rewards and Challenges of Early Retirement - Retiring in our forties has been great experience with both rewards and challenges.
Why I Don't Like A Big Tax Refund - It's my money :-)
The Recession Has Stress Tested our Financial Situation - Overall, we survived the stress.
Expect Recessions to Occur - The average time between recessions is seven years.
Being Prepared for an IRS Audit - Here are the things I do to be ready for an audit.
Independent Contractor versus Employee - A good skill to learn :-)
Top Three Things to Like about (Early) Retirement - To me, unless I have a substantial small business (e.g. six figure revenue), I prefer being an employee over being an independent contractor.
To me, the content of these posts are still relevant today and worth reading again.
For more on The Practice of Personal Finance, check back every Wednesday for a new segment.
This is not financial, tax, career, investing, retirement or saving advice. Please consult a professional advisor.
Copyright © 2011 Achievement Catalyst, LLC
January Income – $3443.02
2 weeks ago
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