As usual, my blood tests showed that I had high cholesterol and high triglycerides. This is nothing new. I've had about the same numbers since college when the tests were first started. Back then, I had "normal" levels. What has changed since then it the value for "high," which has decreased significantly since my college years. My numbers haven't.
As usual, my doctor offers me the option of a statin drug to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. Although I tried a statin drug once, I've decided to regularly turn down the option. My approach is to modify my diet instead.
Here are my reasons to choosing diet:
I'm sure my doctor needs to offer a statin drug, but he knows that I won't use one. So I've set up a quarterly physical with him to monitor my cholesterol and triglycerides. This will give me incentive to stick to a diet plan. By my second visit, I had already reduced my triglycerides by 33% with no change in cholesterol. I have made some diet adjustments that I think will reduce my cholesterol. I'll find out how successful the adjustments are at my next physical in three months.
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This is not financial or health advice. Please consult a professional advisor.
Copyright © 2012 Achievement Catalyst, LLC
January Income – $3443.02
1 week ago
I have similar challenges, and share your aversion to statins. I've recently started taking an over-the-counter natural product called Sytrinol. Not promoting it, I have no financial interest in it, just noting. If you Google it, you'll find some pretty impressive stats based on clinical trials for cholesterol and triglyceride improvement. Where I live, it costs about 50 cents per day.
Thanks for the tip. The information looks promising. For now, I probably stick with diet with a fish oil supplement, when I remember to take it. Will provide an update in August.
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