"They say adversity builds character. I'm working the Empire State Building of character." ~ Kevin Young, player for 2001 Pirates in its ninth out of nineteen losing season.
I've had a lot of opportunity to build character due to economic conditions since October 2007, when I retired at 49. As I've noted previously, I'm glad that the Great Recession happened early in our retirement, giving us some time to recover.
Here are the elements that didn't go as planned:
The economic situation has caused me to rethink my plan of primarily living on capital gains income from our retirement account and part time jobs. First, while long term returns on the stock market average 8%, short term returns can vary significantly for a long period. Therefore, I have been considering plans that provide more stable income, e.g. dividend paying stocks. Second, I realized that a $1 change in my company stock can more exceed or eliminate the annual earnings from a part time job. In the future, I will no longer include part time jobs in our retirement planning, although I may occasionally work at one that I find interesting to try.
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Copyright © 2012 Achievement Catalyst, LLC
January Income – $3443.02
1 week ago
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