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This year's Presidential election is the toughest one I've ever voted in. My dilemma is that I don't like either of the major pa...

Monday, June 03, 2024

Real Passive Income

I keep reading about "Passive" streams of income ranging from Social Media influencing, to Internet Stores, to Rental properties.    Maybe I'm missing something, but these all seem like "work" but on one's own time.   I can't believe that the majority of these "passive" streams take little or no time.

IMHO, the real passive income is interest and dividends.    CDs and Money Markets are paying around 5%.   Some dividend stocks are paying as much as 8%.   Yeah, they still take some work, but probably a lot less work that producing videos, selling product or maintaining rental properties.

I'll take $1M at 5% interest earning $50,000 per year over the other "passive" income options.

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