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Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Student Loans - Just Say No

Student Loans are the worst consumer loans.
  • Student loan debt is a crisis right now. 
  • Student loans are offered to 18 year olds who usually have little financial understanding.  Often loans are used for living expenses in addition to college tuition.
  • Many student loan borrowers are unable to pay off their student loans
  • Student loans, except in extraordinary hardship, cannot be discharged by bankruptcy.
The Consumer Protection Financial Bureau, CPFB, ought to label student loans as Predatory Loans.

Here's my solution:
  • Eliminate the federal funded student loan program.   Data shows that it leaves many borrowers with significant debt that they will not be able to repay. IMHO, this program is a failure.
  • Enable future student loans to be easily discharged in bankruptcy.  Let the lenders/banks take the risk.
The result?    Tuition costs at many universities would be reduced without availability of easy money.   More people would consider alternatives to a 4 year degree.   Future graduates would no longer have onerous student loan debt for most of their lives.

For more on Ideas You Can Use, check back every  Tuesday  for a new segment.

This is not financial nor education advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

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