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Sunday, March 18, 2007

New Friend Opportunity - Link Exchange Offer

For readers of My Wealth Builder who are blog authors, here is an opportunity to get a new reader (me:-) and to exchange links. (This offer only applies to non-commerical blogs.)

If you write about Financial topics (e.g. personal finance, money management, debt management, frugal living, investments, your own personal financial journey, etc.) and would like to be acknowledged in the My Wealth Builder blogroll (right sidebar) , here's how your blog can be included:

  1. Your blog is at least 3 months old and has 30 posts.

  2. Put a link to My Wealth Builder in your sidebar blogroll.

  3. Contact me by making a comment to this post that includes your URL, Blog Title, and your age group - e.g. 20's, 30's, 40's, etc. ..... or not specified. Age group categorization is being used to help direct readers to authors of similar age and personal finance interests.

  4. After I confirm your blog meets the criteria, I will add a link to it in the Personal Finance Friends section the following weekend.

Best Regards,

Super Saver

For more on New Beginnings, Sunday for a new segment.

Photo Credit: morgueFile.com, Clara Natoli

This is not financial or blogging advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2007 Achievement Catalyst, LLC


Anonymous said...

Hey I have added your site to the Save Money blogroll. I would appreciate if you would look over my blog.
Age group is 20s.

Super Saver said...


Thanks for adding My Wealth Builder to your blogroll.

I enjoyed reading your articles at Save Money. I've added Save Money to the Personal Finance Friends blogroll.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I found your blog. It looks like the next step for me! Please add my blog:

Age group 20s-30s

Thank you!

Super Saver said...


Thanks for adding My Wealth Builder to your blogroll.

I will add Frugal 101 to the my Friends blogroll this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Please update the link for Save Money under your friends in the 20s to point to the new URL at http://www.howisavemoney.net. I have moved away from the lulugal.kevinlloyd.net domain.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for sometime now and began a blog for myself a while ago. I have added you to the sidebar. Please take a read and let me know what you think. Also if you could add me to your blogroll I would appreciate it. Thanks!

Super Saver said...


Thanks for your comment. Welcome to the Personal Finance blogospere. Nice blog, I like the design. I will add your blog to my blog roll when I do updates this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hi I just added your blog to mine as a link. My blog is EmerVest at http://emervest.blogspot.com. I am 20 years old.

Super Saver said...


I added EmerVest to My Wealth Builder's blogroll on 6/17/07.

Charls King said...


I would like to exchange links with your site. Please send me an email here: charls413@yahoo.com


Super Saver said...


Once you provide the information requested in this post, I can let you know about a link exchange.


Super Saver said...

@ KP,

You have a very nice site on SEO optimization and thanks for request of a link exchange.

Apologies for not being able to do a link exchange. Per this post's instructions, I am only doing sidebar link exchanges and only with Personal Finance blogs at this time.

Good luck with building traffic to your site.

Anonymous said...

Here is my link information:

Title: computer repair New York, computer service New York
URL: http://www.cyberneeringworld.com
Disc: computer repair in NYC, computer service in NYC, NY computer repair
Title: Tax Solutions, Wage Garnishment, Past due taxes
URL: http://www.taxnegotiators.com
Disc: Unfilled tax returns, Wage levy, Tax Garnishment, Offers in compromise, Garnishment, Unpaid tax, Tax Levy, Bob Adams, Tax Solutions, Wage Garnishment, Past due taxes Robert M. Adams, Past due returns, Past due tax returns, Tax negotiation
Title: web design New York, web design Philadelphia
URL: http://www.atozsolution.com
Description: Philadelphia web site design company, Go for custom web site design at Affordable price. Custom website design Philadelphia. Small business web site design Philadelphia.

I will add here: (choose)
http://www.vijayinfo.in/links.html [pr4]
http://www.seo.vijayinfo.in/resources.html [pr3]
http://www.atozsolution.com/links.php [pr4]
http://www.taxnegotiators.com/tax-help-resources.htm [pr3]
http://directory.vijayinfo.in [pr5]
http://addyourlink.atozsolution.com [pr4]

Please reply once you have added my link to your page.

With Regards
Thank you,

Super Saver said...

Web Design,

Thanks for your request for a link exchange. You have some nice commerical sites.

Apologies for not being able to do a link exchange. Per this post's instructions, I am only doing sidebar link exchanges and only with Personal Finance blogs at this time.

Good luck with building traffic to your sites.

S. B. said...

I enjoy your writing and I've had a link to your site for a few weeks now, but have just now finally obtained the required 30 posts! Despite my infrequent posting schedule, I consider my site to be a serious blog and so I do hope/expect that it may be of interest to your readers as well.

Thanks in advance for your consideration of a reciprocal link.


Site: Retire At 45
URL: http://blog.retire45.com
Age: Not Specified

Super Saver said...


Thanks for the link. I will add Retire at 45 to My Wealth Builder's blogroll this weekend, when I update the template.

Simon said...

Hi, I'm a 20yr old college student looking to get my money in order and to invest properly and I use my blog to track it.

I've looked at your investment choices and I will continue to observe your plays.

URL: www.realmofprosperity.com
Name: Realm of Prosperity
Age Group: 20s

I'd appreciate it if you link me. I've already done the same. Thanks.

By the way, might I suggest a Categories/Labels column? I just found it easier to track your stock plays.

Super Saver said...

@ S.B.

Retire At 45 has been added to My Wealth Builder's Blogroll.

@ Simon,

Thanks for your comment.

I would be happy to reciprocate with a blogroll link, but I didn't see a link to My Wealth Builder on the Realm of Prosperity site. (I did check the "link" tab.) Let me know if I missed it or if you need to add it again.

Thanks for your suggestion on adding categories. I will include some in my next template update.

Simon said...

Sorry about that. I was fooling around with the blog template html and you may have checked when I was doing so. Everything is back to normal now.

Super Saver said...


Thanks. I've added Realm of Prosperity to My Wealth Builder's blogroll.

Anonymous said...

Added you in my blog sidebar

Super Saver said...


Thannks. Free credit reports tips has been added.

Everyday Finance said...

Hi there, I've added your link to my blog. I'm in my 30's and run Everyday Finance, focusing on finance and investing topics not typically covered in the mainstream press, like alternative investment strategies, hedging, high yield investments and more.

Super Saver said...


Thanks. Everyday Finance has been added.

Anonymous said...

Hey I have added your site to my blogroll. I would appreciate if you would look over my blog.
Age group is 30s.

Super Saver said...


Thanks. Pennyjobs.com has been added.

TJF said...

I added you to my two blogs:

Stock Market Prognosticator


Under the Buttonwood Tree


No particular age group

Super Saver said...


Stock Market Prognosticator and Under the Buttonwood Tree have been added.

Anonymous said...

Added your blog to my blogroll.
Age group 20's
Title: Advertising Investment

Super Saver said...


Advertising Investment has been added.

Unknown said...

Hey there,

I've added you to my blogroll after getting your approval via email.

If you could add me with the following details.

Name: Residual Income Opportunity
URL: http://www.income-king.com

Thanks again SS.

Anonymous said...


I already added your blog to my list of Useful Links on my homepage after receiving your e-mail for the link exchange.

Please add my site as follows:
URL: http://financelearners.blogspot.com/
Title: Learn About Stock Market

Thank you!

Super Saver said...


Learn About Stock has been added.

Anonymous said...

hi! i like ur blogs. thanks for this website........

Anonymous said...

Dear Webmaster,

As a part of ongoing campaign to increase the Link Popularity of
My website I am looking for some good potential sites like yours. I review your
site and find that, in SEO perspective your site is Perfect. Also, this would
be a great resource for my visitors too.

I would request you to consider listing under your "exchange links" Section.

( )

The relevant site I would like to suggest for inclusion is : -

Here is the detail of my site:-

Title: Affordable website designing, web graphic, re-designing and development

Description: Professional and Creative Website Design and Development Company specializing in web 2.0 design, website graphic design, website redesigning, SEO friendly web site designing, economic html based web site designing and development.

URL: http://www.sbwebx.com/web-design-and-development.html

Your links will be added here after your approval.
(http://www.probizx.com/offshore-outsourcing/seo.html) Probizx.com has a traffic rank of: 67,209

after once your reply
within 48 working hours.:-

Thank you very much for your time and web support. I look forward to hearing
from you soon!

Best Regards,
Email - link.exchange@sbwebx.com

Super Saver said...


Thank you for the offer of a link exchange.

Unfortunately, your site doesn't qualify for the link exchange program. At this time, My Wealth Builder only does link exchanges with non-commerical personal finance blogs.

Good luck on promoting your web design site.

In the Money said...

Hey! I've added you to my blogroll.

Please add my site as follows:

Title: In The Money
URL: http://inthemoneyy.com


Super Saver said...

@ In the Money,

Thanks. In the Money has been added to My Wealth Builder's blogroll.

Unknown said...

I have added you to my blogroll.

Title: Everything Finance
URL: http://www.everythingfinanceblog.com

Age: 30s
