Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Retirement Saving Challenge - Two Month Status

Those who joined the Retirement Saving Challenge on July 1, 2007 have almost completed two months. On Friday, August 31, 2007, one should have two months of saving, either at a rate to create 12 times income at age 65, or at a rate of 12% of salary. Here's what one's savings should be at this time:

Two Month Amount by Age To Achieve
Savings Equal To 12 Times Salary
Salary203040 5060*12% of Salary
$20,00092 211511 1,4066,632400

* Mathematically not possible. Shown only for reference

One can choose the lower of the 12 Times Number or the 12% Number. For example, if 20 and making $50,000 per year, one should have saved $229 by August 31, 2007. If more aggressive, one can choose to have saved $1,000.

Since this is an honor system challenge, there is no need to report one's results. I hope everyone is make progress towards their retirement savings target. The next update will be around September 30, 2007. Good luck until then.

Here are the related posts (in date order) for The Retirement Saving Challenge:

Retirement Saving Challenge

Set A Goal

Create Environments and Behaviors

Daily Savings Targets

Preparation - Timeless Personal Finance Recommendations

Finding Money To Save

The Power of Compounding

Get Started

One Month Update - July, 2007

For more on The Practice of Personal Finance, check back every Wednesday for the next segment.

This is not financial advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2007 Achievement Catalyst, LLC


Anonymous said...

Great idea. If I weren't in college and struggling with my finances I'd take you up on your challenge.

Super Saver said...


Good luck on both college and finances. Hopefully, you'll be able to start the Challenge in the near future :-)