Older men see themselves as 31 as 32 in their heads theorizes Douglas Copeland in an MSN.com article, no matter what their actual (older) age. I checked with a few colleagues at a recent happy hour, and they nodded their heads. I also recall my father-in-law saying that it took him a minute to recognized the older guy, i.e. himself, in recent family pictures.
I guess 31 to 32 is even a little old for me. I used to tell friends that I'm don't feel much different from when I was 18 years old, with the main difference being much more responsibility, and a bit more money. Okay, and more maturity:-) Here are some of the areas that I see being the same:
However, there are major changes from those youthful times. Physically, I am no longer an 18 year old. Although my mind wants to compete like I'm that young, my body is no longer capable. Even trying can lead to injury. And when a waitress flirts with me now, she probably sees someone who is her dad's generation :-)
For more on Crossing Generations, check back every Thursday for a new segment.
This is not financial or aging advice. Please consult a professional advisor.
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