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Saturday, June 26, 2010

How I Would Spend a Major Lottery Jackpot - Part II

On May 29, 2010, I mused about how I would spend a major lottery jackpot of $100 million or more. After posting the article, I thought of a few more ways to that I would spend the money. For reference, the ideas would only apply to my portion of the jackpot, which would be 1/3 of the total winnings. Here's how I would spend some of the money:

  • Produce a movie about our state championship team. I'd like to put to film the journey of my high school football team from a 2-7-1 team to a 11-1 state championship team in 4 years. I think it would be an inspirational story about how a coach made a bunch of good athletes into an outstanding team.

  • Creating memorable experiences. In my previous post, I wrote about getting VIP seating at various events such as the Super Bowl, the World Series and Broadway shows. In addition, I like to see the eight wonders of the world, and visit other natural wonders.

  • Learning from masters. I would enjoy sitting in on lectures, discussion and debates by world class experts in the fields of history, science and health. In addition, I would also enjoy taking sports lessons for world class coaches and trainers.

  • Run for national political office. After doing everything in my first post and above, I would consider running as an independent one time to share my vision of good government on a national stage. I don't expect I would win. However, if I did win, I would only serve two terms.
  • Again, I still would not buy more "stuff," such as a new car, a new house, a vacation home, or a new wardrobe. I would want to mainly spend my share of the jackpot on purchases that I feel would significantly improve our quality of life.

    For more on Reflections and Musings, check back every Saturday for a new segment.

    This is not financial advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

    Copyright © 2010 Achievement Catalyst, LLC

    1 comment:

    Roger said...

    If I won that much (or any significant amount), for the sake of my children and future generations I personally would do all I could to support those who are trying to shift the direction of the global economy onto less polluting, less carbon-intensive forms of production.