December Income $3226.18
2 weeks ago
My Wealth Builder is about knowing what wealth is (and isn't), accumulating wealth, and keeping enough wealth for a comfortable retirement.
This year's Presidential election is the toughest one I've ever voted in. My dilemma is that I don't like either of the major pa...
Debt To Salary Target = 0
Current Debt Ratio = 0
For more details, see 2016 Update. For more information on Saving and Debt Ratios, see How Much is Needed to Be Wealthy and Debt Ratios.
Small modification:
Q: How does one get experience?
A: Learn from other people's mistake.
Just a quite plausible answer to that one :)
Thanks for the comment and excellent point. Better to learn from the mistakes and experiences of others. I had considered including the idea, but decided to save it as a topic of a future post:-)
It will be another Liar's Poker analogy.
good one!
i've made so many mistakes, i can't even list them all!
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