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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Carnival Reading - Taking a Ride

This week, I am venturing outside of my normal Personal Finance Carnivals. Listed below are all the Carnivals that I am reading this week. They are a mix of Personal Finance, Personal Development and Family topics.

Personal Finance

The Carnival of Debt Reduction #66 is hosted at Debt Consolidation Lowdown. For a good reference on reducing debt, TJP presents Get Out of Debt - The Ultimate Guide posted at Investor Trip.

The Carnival of Personal Finance #79 is hosted at A Penny Saved. My Carnival pick is Ten Good Reasons for Buying a Home posted at Worldwide Success. The post shares excellent reasons for owning and great guidance on buying a home.

The Carnival of The Capitalists is hosted at The Entrepreneurial Mind. My Carnival highlight is The Top 100 Popular Personal Finance Blogs posted at Wise Bread. Will Chen reorders and reposts the the the Top 100 Blogs to Read in 2007 from CreditCard.org.

The Festival of Frugality #53 of Frugality is hosted at Mom Advice. My Carnival selection is Easy to Follow Tips for Curtailing Automobile Expenses posted at Wealth Talker. As Mom Advice writes "The tips are great and a reminder on how to extend the life of your car and maximize the amount you get for your dollars."

Personal Development

The Success and Growth Blog Carnival #8 is posted at Cultivate Greatness. My Carnival pick is Five Blessings of Getting Canned From Google Adsense posted at Bill Losapio. Bill explains how adversity enable him to grow as a blogger.


The Carnival of Family Life #32 is posted at Scribbit. My Carnival choice is Teaching Children to Anticipate posted at by Henry Cates at Why Homeschool. Needless to say, I will apply the insights shared to raising our own children.

Photo Credit: morgueFile.com, Bianca Meyer geb. Bollmeier

This is not financial advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2006 Achievement Catalyst, LLC

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