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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Carnival Highlights - Personal Finance Topics

Here are Carnivals My Wealth Builder has participated in so far this week. For each Carnival, I have noted the submission by My Wealth Builder and chosen a post that I particularly liked.

Towards Better Life Carnival #2 hosted by Towards Better Life. My submission is My Top Ten Financial Reasons to Be Thankful. My Carnival pick is Startups Must Choose Financing Models Wisely: Bootstrapping versus Angels versus VCs posted at Gerald Joseph’s Blog On Startups, VCs, Web 2.0, and Everything Else. Whew, that was a long post title and long blog title:-) If you are involved in financing a startup, this post is helpful.

The Carnival of Personal Finance #76 is hosted by My Financial Journey. My submission is Five Rules of Financial Success . My Carnival pick is Raising Smart Kids in 5 Steps posted at Finance-4-Kids. This blog has a lot of good tips on teaching personal finances to one’s children. If you are saving for college, check out the post Free Money for College.

The Carnival of Debt Reduction #63 is hosted by the founder, Mighty Bargain Hunter. My submission is Paying Off a Home Mortgage Earlier. My Carnival pick is Getting Out of Debt (Part 1) at Verve Coaching. Erek Ostrowski provides excellent coaching on eliminating debt. Parts 2 and 3 are worth reading also.

My submission to the next three Carnivals is My 2006 Year-End Stock Market Assessment.

The Carnival of Investing #49 is hosted by How Do People Get Rich? My Carnival pick is Income Limits for Converting Traditional IRA Funds to a Roth IRA by Five Cent Nickel. To note, the modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) limit of $100,000 for converting to a Roth IRA will be eliminated in 2010.

The Festival of Stocks #12 is hosted at Value Discipline. My Carnival pick is All This Industry Consolidation's Great, But What's Next? by Experiments in Finance. Ricemutt observes that buyouts are happening at overpriced levels and questions how long it can continue.

The Carnival of Capitalists is posted at Blueprint to Financial Prosperity. My Carnival pick is Six Wise Ways to Spend a Raise at Free Money Finance. The title of this post could have been “Six Wise Ways to Save a Raise.” :-)

I hope you enjoy these Carnivals, especially my Carnival picks and the posts from My Wealth Builder.

Photo Credit: morgueFile.com, peachyqueen

This is not financial advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2006 Achievement Catalyst, LLC

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