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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Childhood Milestones

It is fun watching our daughter learn and make progress. She has achieved several milestones in 2010.

  • Starting kindergarten. Our daughter is now attending "real" school on a full day basis. She has been looking forward to starting kindergarten for quite a while. After two months, she still enjoys school.

  • Scoring her first goal. In her fourth season of soccer, our daughter scored her first goal. She was very excited and we celebrated by going out for lunch afterwards. In the last game of the season, she made two more shots that barely missed by hitting the post.

  • Reading smoothly. I am amazed at how much our daughter's reading skills have developed in only two months of kindergarten. She recognizes many simple words and enjoys trying to spell new words. I was surprised today when she read and asked about a specific entry on my calendar.

  • Learning math. Our daughter considers math "boring," which makes me cringe since I consider math a fundamental skill. However, she seems to be learning basics of addition and subtraction. I still hope that she will like math enough to do well at personal finance :-)
  • Potentially, her next milestone will be riding a bike without training wheels. We started over the summer with a little progress. Lately, she has expressed more interest in learning which means we may be trying more frequently.

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