Thursday, June 02, 2011

A Pivotal Childhood Event

When I look back on my life, I remember pivotal events that changed the course of my future.  Here's the earliest one I remember from childhood.

When I was 10, I tried out for our neighborhood football teams.  One coach offered a quarter to any player who could knock him over from a three point stance.  I had been MVP lineman of the year in the previous year, so it seemed natural for me to try.  I must have caught the coach off guard, and knocked him over.  He kept his promise and gave me a quarter.

Later, he drafted me onto his football team to "recover his quarter investment."   He put me on the front line of the kickoff return team.  In one of the early games, I picked up a short kickoff and ran it back for a touchdown.  Later that season, the coach made me a running back.

Although that was my only year of playing running back, it gave me confidence to try out for the position on my high school team.   Not only did I make the varsity squad as a freshman, I ended up starting by the third game.   In my junior year, I was the starting fullback on a state runner up team. In my senior year, I was the starting fullback on a state championship team.

All because I knocked over a coach during tryouts when I was 10 years old :-) 
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