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Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Recycled Wardrobe

Since late 2012, I've voluntarily started a very restrictive diet: vegetarian(except for egg whites and non-fat milk products), no nuts and seeds, and no added oils.   While the change was made primarily for health reasons, a side benefit has been a significant loss of weight. I have lost a little over 10% additional pounds. As a result, I am now able to fit comfortably into clothes from a decade ago when I was just slight heavier than I am now.

Since I still have many of those clothes, which are classic styles, I will be able to recycle much of my wardrobe from that time.  For me this is good news in three ways.  I don't particularly like shopping for clothes and my expense for clothes should be significantly reduced.  In addition, I will eliminate some clutter by determining which of the recycled clothing should be kept, donated or discarded.

For more on  New Beginnings, check back every Sunday for a new segment.

This is not financial or fashion advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2013 Achievement Catalyst, LLC


Kurt @ Money Counselor said...

Sounds like we're on the same diet (Ornish/Esselstyn/Campbell?)! I started Aug 2012 and lost about 20 lbs (a lot considering I started about 165) and have now stabilized. I feel great! Good luck.

Super Saver said...

I'm following the Ornish diet, which allows non-fat milk products. Like you, I feel good being on this diet. I will check out the Esseltyn diet, which I think excludes dairy but allows seeds and olives. Campbell is new info for me. I'll look up his diet. Thanks.