Over the past couple months, I have been reconsidering my original strategy of living entirely off investment income in retirement. The Great Recession has shown me the tremendous volatility and uncertainty of a 100% investment income strategy. So I've started to consider how to develop stable retirement income streams and the level of cash to maintain in an emergency fund.
Assuming our current expenses, here's how I expect the percentage each income stream can cover.
So the range of living expenses I can cover with stable income streams is 82% to 117%, which is a reasonably good level and above the minimum 70% target. However, there are several caveats. First, the rental property net income is not guaranteed since vacancies and maintenance expenses can both increase. Second, Social Security benefits may be modified, although I am above the age of 55, for which benefits are held constant even if the program is changed. Third, our expenses are going to increase by 10-20% over the next few years.
For an emergency fund, I am considering keeping 5 years of my pre-retirement salary in cash or cash equivalents in taxable savings accounts (i.e. not IRA). Currently, we are at about 3 years worth of cash. Once I reach 59-1/2, I will include the cash in our IRA accounts since I will be able to withdraw from my accounts with no penalty.
The remaining balance, I will put into either my ETF investment strategy, managed accounts or individual stocks and hopefully, earn 6-7% annualized returns.
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This is not financial, retirement or investment advice. Please consult a professional advisor.
Copyright © 2013 Achievement Catalyst, LLC
January Income – $3443.02
3 weeks ago
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