Several large department stores from my childhood no longer exist: Woolworth, Kresge, and Montgomery Ward. It appears that Sears may soon join them.
In my younger days , Sears was my go to place for tools for great quality at a good price. I bought my first sets of tools there, sticking with the Craftsman brand, which my dad also owned. I still use the Craftsman socket sets, screw drivers and pliers that I purchased over 30 years ago. They were great tools back when I just graduated from college.
However, I haven't been to Sears for over a decade to buy tools since there are a couple of home improvement stores that are much closer to me and their prices and quality of tools seem as good or better.
With my generation moving away from Sears and the new generations shopping at new online places like Amazon, Sears may soon join the list of former great department stores.
For more on Crossing Generations, check back every Thursday for a new segment.
This is not financial or tool advice. Please consult a professional advisor.
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