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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The Wealth Builder Carnival #9

Welcome to ninth edition of The Wealth Builder Carnival. The purpose of this carnival is to collect articles from the blogosphere on building, preserving and keeping enough wealth for a comfortable retirement. For reference, I have tried to keep the carnival content tightly focused on wealth building. As a result, this carnival did not include submissions that were off topic, e.g. those about debt, debt management, debt reduction, credit scores, credit monitoring, credit card evaluations, or account opening bonuses.

For this carnival, I have organized the posts into seven categories: Earning, Investing, Insuring and Protecting, Living Frugally, Retiring, Saving and Taxes. I have acknowledged bloggers who are in Technorati's Top 100 Finance blogs by showing their 10/5/2010 rank in parentheses. Finally, for some submissions, I have added my perspective and comments related to the post topic.

And now onto the Carnival:


Impact Your Money presents Starting an Online Business – Part 2 posted at Impact Your Money, saying, "In the second of my three part series I discuss how I found my supplier, setup accounts, and put my items up for sale so people could buy my goods!"

Super Saver (#14) presents Making College Part of a Wealth Builder Plan posted at My Wealth Builder, saying, "Use a college education to get a higher paying job." My college degree helped me get a higher paying job which led to future higher paying jobs.

Insuring and Protecting

FMF (#23) presents Toileting and Retirement, Should I Purchase Long-Term Care Insurance? Part 1 posted at Free Money Finance, saying, "Comprehensive (and scary) series on long-term-care insurance." A good article on why to consider getting long-term care insurance. We've carried long-term care insurance since our thirties, when the premiums were very low.


Carlos Sera presents A Mining Tale posted at Financial Tales, saying, "I thought it appropriate to release a tale that deals with investing or trading and one of the many pitfalls. Just remember after you read this tale 'All that glitters is not gold' " A good reminder that past results do not guarantee future performance.

Mike Piper (#24) presents Researching a Financial Advisor: Form ADV Part II posted at The Oblivious Investor, saying, "Want to get the dirt on a financial advisor? Ask to see their 'Form ADV Part II.' "

This week there were three submissions on dividend paying stocks. As with any stock, it is important to do your own due diligence before making a purchase. For reference, we are are primarily buying dividend paying stocks when making purchases for our in our investment portfolio.

Dividends4Life presents 9 Dividend Stocks Giving Shareholders A Raise posted at Dividends Value, saying, "When it comes to selecting dividend stocks, one of the most important items to look for is consistency in raising dividends. Sure it is easy to increase dividends when the economy is booming and business is good, but to be consistent a company has to persevere and continue to increase dividends even during the tough times."

Arjun Rudra (#35) presents Investing In Canadian Natural Resources and Bank Of Nova Scotia With Tony Demarin of BCV Asset Management posted at Investing Thesis, saying, "We sat down with Tony Demarin of BCV Asset Management to discuss his 2 favorite stocks."

Matt presents The Benefit of Smaller Dividend Payers posted at Dividend Monk, saying, "An article describing the benefits of smaller dividend payers and showcasing two companies worth a look."

Living Frugally

Wise Bread (#26) presents Living Well on a Feast to Famine Income posted at Wisebread shares how the author budgets for a variable income stream.

In addition, there were a number of submissions this week on how to reduce living expenses: food , travel, moving, car maintenance, and car buying.

Wenchypoo presents Food Stamp Challenge Cheats--Living on $30/Week (or less) Per Person (L-O-N-G) posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket, saying, "My answer to the Illinois Food stamp challenge that happened last week, and all the other food stamp challenges going on out there--whether official or part of daily life." The author shares how to eat nutritiously and cheaply.

Mariah Gonzales presents 12 New Airline Fees And Creative Ways To Avoid Them posted at Operations Management, saying, "Airlines are now going into the business of gouging us left and right. They blame high gas prices and new security measures, but ultimately the consumer is the one paying. While there aren’t always ways to get around these new airline fees, there are creative ways to get around them."

Madison DuPaix (#5) presents 7 Frugal Moving Tips posted at My Dollar Plan, saying, "Great tips for those who are about to move. A new house or apartment is expensive as it is - save on the move!"

PT presents 5 Car Tire Care Tips posted at Prime Time Money, saying, "Tips for making your car tires last longer."

MoneyThinking presents Tips on Purchasing a New Car posted at Money Thinking, saying, "The economy is finally on the upswing, and most people watching the market are proclaiming that interest rates are the best they have been in years on many high-ticket items. One of those items is vehicles."

Silicon Valley Blogger (#1) presents Car Buying Websites For Online Car Shopping posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "How to shop for cars frugally."


FIRE Getters presents $6000! Save Your Hard Earned Money! posted at FIRE Finance, saying, "We have all heard the saying, 'Tiny drops of water make an ocean.' Over years, life has taught us that tiny savings can go a long way in making us wealthy ..." The article shows how the magic of compounding can turn a little into a lot.


Steve presents Tax Audit Lawyer 2009 Taxes posted at 2009 Taxes, saying, "Businesses are often targeted for tax audits, having a good tax audit lawyer can make a big difference in the outcome of your next audit." Here's an example of when it may be a good idea to hire an expert for doing taxes.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of The Wealth Builder Carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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For more on Ideas You Can Use, check back every Tuesday for a new segment.

This is not financial or wealth building advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2010 Achievement Catalyst, LLC


FIRE Finance said...

Thanks for hosting the carnival and including our post. Best wishes ahead :).

FIRE Finance

Unknown said...

Glad I could be included again, definitely an honor! Let me know if there's ever anything I can do to help you out!