Saturday, May 05, 2007

Carnival Highlights For The Week #12 - Lessons for Life Edition

In reading the Carnivals this week, I noticed that several had personal finance insights that were also relevant to life in general. This week's highlights were selected based on this theme.

The Carnival of Personal Finance #98 is published at We're In Debt.My Carnival pick is by Ardini which looks at 3 Steps Towards Solid Financial Freedom Planning. A great concise post summarizing the three steps: Setting Goals, Behavior Change and Regular Communication. This approach resonates with me and also can be applied to other areas of life. If you only have time to read one post in this Carnival, I recommend this one.
The Festival of Frugality #72 is hosted at Frugal for Life.My Festival choice is Don't Be Afraid to Ask for a Discount, The Sequel by Five Cent Nickel. This post reinforces the concept of if one wants a lower price, one should ask. As a colleague once told me, the worst thing the salesperson can do is say "no." This is another concept that can be applied to other parts of life - e.g. asking for a raise.
The Carnival of Family Life # 52 is at Parenting Toddlers.My Carnival pick is by Inklings which gives us a run down on the pros to owning a family run business with Family Business: Pros to Embrace. The pros include: Time Together, Experience, Overcoming Hardship and Personal Development. The points are also valuable to other parts of life. The author noted that an upcoming post will discuss the cons of a family run business. Since I am now intrigued by the pros, I plan to check back on the post on the cons.

I hope you enjoy reading these Carnivals and finding ideas you can use.

Check back on Saturday for the next Reflections and Musings segment.

This is not financial advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2007 Achievement Catalyst, LLC

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