It doesn't get any wilder than this. Shortest bear market ever. Greatest 50 day advance ever in the stock market. Stocks advancing 100, 200 up to 600% in a couple months, weeks and even days. The Nasdaq has hit an all time high, the S&P is positive for the year, and some stocks are reaching 52 week and even all time highs.
Ten weeks ago, it was the death of the bull market due to the pandemic lockdown and economic shutdown. Now, it's the birth of a new bull market.
I'm selling into the rally. Today I sold an oil stock, NBR, that I've owned since April 22, 2020 for a 611% gain. That's crazy and not sustainable. So I am selling all our peripheral shares that have at least a 15% gain. I may even start selling our core positions, if the advance keeps going for a couple more months.
I expect stock will be cheaper, significantly cheaper, in the future. I will look to buy back then.
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Copyright © 2020 Achievement Catalyst, LLC
January Income – $3443.02
1 week ago
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