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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Being Thankful

On this Thanksgiving Day, 2009, here are some things for which I am thankful:

  • Family - I am thankful for my spouse, who has been with me through the great times and the tough times. I am lucky to have met her and that she said yes to marrying me. I am also thankful for our daughter, who we adopted in 2005, since adoptions are now expected to take more than 5 years after application. I am also thankful for our parents, from whom we learned about good work ethic, persistence, and financial responsibility.

  • Friends - I have only a few good friends and I met most of them in my teens and twenties, specifically high school, college and my early working years. Although I don't interact with them frequently, I can always count on them for feedback, counsel and support. Fortunately, all of my good friends are still available to help.

  • Opportunity - I have been blessed with many opportunities to do well. My parents immigrated to the United States before I was born. They were also strong believers in education, sending me to a parochial elementary school and an Ivy League college. In high school, I played for a football coach that started me on the Varsity team as a freshman and led us to a state championship our senior year. I majored in Chemical Engineering, graduating with highest honors, and was hired by a Fortune 100 company, from which I retired 27 years later.

  • Luck - I am the first to admit that I have been lucky to be in the right place at the right time. From becoming one of the first freshman starters on our Varsity football team to my last promotion at work, I would attribute to event to luck. Another time or another place and it wouldn't have happened for me. I am thankful for luck, especially since I don't know how it happens.
  • Finally, as always, I am thankful that I had another birthday and am a year older. Growing older is always better than the alternative :-)

    For more on Reflections and Musing, check back on Saturdays which is the normal day for this segment.

    This is not financial or Thanksgiving advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

    Copyright © 2009 Achievement Catalyst, LLC

    1 comment:

    Wojciech said...

    It's the one time of the year when we think about so much more than money.

    Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!