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Friday, January 06, 2012

How Did I Have Time to Work?

One day in December, I had a dental appointment, our daughter's class holiday party, a friend's annual holiday gathering at a local restaurant, and a funeral.   I managed to get in a couple hours of work to wrap up my temporary full time job.  Earlier that week, I scheduled a couple appointments for a home repair and a home improvement estimate.  This was in addition to a do-it-yourself repair on our outdoor hot tub.   I also had lunch once with my daughter at school. Finally, I've been working on an investment strategy to minimize the volatility on our investments.

At the holiday gathering, I commented to a fellow busy retiree, "How did we have time to work?"   Recently, he has moved to his retirement home and joined the board of a local non-profit.  He knowingly nodded and agreed.

As I complete the transition of my temporary full time job, I'm starting work on the projects that were put on hold so that I could do the work.   Projects that I didn't have time to do while working.  The list is long and it got longer while I was working.  I look forward to getting back to my home improvement, investment, exercise and family projects.  

I've learned my lesson from the past two years.  I've significantly cut back on my hours in my part time jobs to avoid over commitment and to make sure I have the summer of 2012 off.

For more on Reaping the Rewards, check back every Friday for a new segment.

This is not financial or retirement advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2012 Achievement Catalyst, LLC

1 comment:

Kanwal Sarai @ Simply Investing said...

My dad, who retired 10 years ago still says the same thing "How did I have time to work!".