In 2009, I started reducing the clutter in our house. Although I had a good start, I didn't get very far. Then I came up with the idea of working on the task for one hour a day but then I got too busy by accepting a temporary full time job for a non-profit. So once again, I didn't get very far.
However, my replacement has been hired and the job is winding down as I do the transition. So I now have time to work on my projects again. I've been getting up early before everyone and using the time for my "alone" projects, of which decluttering is one.
I've started in my den, which is a great beginning point since I wholly responsible for the clutter. I'm trying to invest about an hour a day on decluttering and cleaning up that room. I've been working on it about a week now and there is already a big difference. Hopefully, it won't take more than 30 hours, so I should be able to wrap up by mid-February. Then I can move on to my next declutter project, the garage or basement storage area. By the end of 2012, I hope to complete the decluttering of our house. Surely, I'll be able to do that with 365 hours of invested effort at one hour a day.
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Copyright © 2012 Achievement Catalyst, LLC
January Income – $3443.02
2 days ago
Good for you! Does your decluttering include ridding yourself of stuff, or just re-organizing? If ridding, are you donating, selling, or junking items? All three?
Incidentally, for anyone reading, a great way to get rid of stuff for free instead of landfilling is through a local freecycle site, if you have one.
My decluttering involves mostly getting rid of unnecessary stuff (e.g. papers) and some reorganizing. Papers are shredded and recycled. Saleable goods are donated to our church or Goodwill.
Thanks for talking about clearing the clutter. I took so long to clear through the clutter in my storeroom. It must have been a few years already. The easiest way is to prevent the build-up of the clutter in the first place.
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